

patient英 ['peɪʃnt]      美 ['peɪʃnt]    副词: patientlyadj.有耐心的;能忍耐的n.病人用作形容词 (adj.)You'll have to be patient with my mother she's going rather deaf.你对我母亲得有耐心,她的耳朵越来越背了。He is a patient man, but not even he could sit down under that kind of provocation.他是一个能忍耐的人,但就连他也没法忍受那种挑衅了。To have access to the good things of the world, one has to be patient and wait.对于世间美好的东西,忍耐与等待是不可缺少的。

1、After patient explanations, he carried all the members with him on that proposal.他通过耐心解释,说服了所有成员接受了他的那项建议。

2、收起用作名词 (n.)The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous observation.病人病情严重,现接受持续观察。